Skye Meadows Jenkins is a Piano Technician based in Seattle, Washington
Skye Meadows Jenkins is a Piano Technician based in Seattle, Washington
Piano Tuner and Technician providing piano tuning, repairs, regulation, voicing and restoration in Greater Seattle, Bellevue, Tacoma, the Islands, Olympic Peninsula and throughout the Puget Sound. Top notch full service piano maintenance for discerning piano owners in greater Seattle.
Your piano needs to be in tune and play smoothly and evenly for your full enjoyment and musical expression. I provide piano tuning, repairs, and detailed regulation of touch and tone so you can get the most out of your piano. With a background in classical piano and music theory, I understand what musicians need out of their pianos. I will listen to your concerns AND your piano to help you make the most of it!
Offering piano tuning, repairs, regulation, voicing, reconditioning, and restorations, our full service tunings include adjustments for the optimization of touch and tone as well as minor repairs and recommendations for extended services to enhance your enjoyment and lengthen the life of your piano.